

研究方向 光纤传感技术研究、光纤通信系统关键器件研究、人工智能算法及移植、数字信号处理及移植 学位职称 博士/讲师

Ø 个人基本信息:

徐伟,男,中共党员,博士,讲师,入选姑苏紧缺人才计划,现为英国上市公司官网365教师。2010年本科毕业于苏州大学电子信息科学与技术专业,2013年硕士毕业于华南师范大学光学专业。2022年博士毕业于中国科学院大学光学专业。在新加坡国立大学苏州研究院及香港理工大学深圳研究院从事基础研究工作,深度参与先进技术落地。与香港理工大学、复旦大学、苏州大学、武汉邮电科学研究院、海军特色医学中心、苏州大学附属第二医院等保持长期密切的合作与交流。主要研究方向为光纤传感、数字信号处理、人工智能诊断等,主要研究领域为生物光子学、非侵入式监测与诊断、智能驾驶等。在IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Optical Fiber Technology等国际期刊、以及CLEO-PRACPPAOECCICOCN等国际会议发表SCI/EI学术论文35+篇,授权发明专利7项。参与完成中科院百人计划项目、国家自然基金面上项目、江苏省科技支撑项目、军队科研项目等。作为主要成员,获得2014年第三届中国创新创业大赛生物医药团队组冠军及优秀团队荣誉。

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Ø 研究方向

1. 智能光纤传感技术研究

2. 光纤通信系统关键器件研究

3. 人工智能算法及移植

4. 数字信号处理及移植

Ø 科研项目

1. 军队科研项目,21AH0803,基于光纤生命体征传感器的新型战场检伤监护技术,2020.11-2022.11200万,在研,参加

2. 军队科研项目,BHJ20C008,新型非接触式光纤生命体征监护仪,2021.03-2022.06480万,完成,参加

3. 江苏省科技支撑计划,BE2014855,短距离大容量数据中心光互联技术研究,2014.06-2017.06400万,完成,参加

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61471253, 基于射频谱和二维相位图及控制平面协同的动态光网络跨层光性能监测,2015.01-2018.1283万元,完成,参加

5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,61501313,高速相干光OFDM通信系统基于Viterbi算法最大似然序列检测的噪声补偿算法研究,2016.01-2018.1222万元,完成,参加

6. 国家科技支撑计划项目子课题,2011BAF06B02-3,光纤铁路桥梁结构健康监测解调终端研发,2011.04-2013.1250万,完成,参加

Ø 教科研论文:

1. W. Xu, C. Yu, B. Dong, Y. Wang, W. Zhao, “Thin Piezoelectric Sheet Assisted PGC Demodulation of Optical Fiber-Integrated MZI for Vital Signs Monitoring”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 2151-2159, 2022.

2. W. Xu, S. Bian, B. Dong, Y. Shen, S. Han, C. Yu, Y. Wang, W. Zhao, “Unobtrusive vital signs and activity monitoring based on dual mode fiber,” Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 64, p. 102530, 2021.

3. W. Xu, Y. Shen, C. Yu, B. Dong, W. Zhao, Y. Wang, “Long modal interference in multimode fiber and its application in vital signs monitoring”, Optics Communications, vol. 474, p. 126100, 2020.

4. W. Xu, W.B. Huang, X.G. Huang, and C. Yu, “A simple fiber-optic humidity sensor based on extrinsic Fabry–Perot cavity constructed by cellulose acetate butyrate film,” Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 583–586, December 2013.

5. W. Xu, Huang, X. G., and Pan, J. S., “Simple Fiber-Optic Refractive Index Sensor Based On Fresnel Reflection and Optical Switch,” Sensors Journal, IEEE, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1571-1574, 2013.

6. W. Xu, S. Shu, W. Sun, B. Dong, C. Yu, W. Zhao, Y. Wang, “Unobtrusive Sleep-Wake Discrimination Based on Arched Carbon Fiber Structure Aided Highly Sensitive Under Mattress MZI-BCG Sensor and SVM,” OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2021, Paper JS3F.15, pp. 1-3, Hong Kong, Jul. 3-7, 2021.

7. W. Lyu, W. Xu, F. Yang, S. Chen, F. Tan and C. Yu, “Non-Invasive Measurement for Cardiac Variations Using a Fiber Optic Sensor,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 33, no. 18, pp. 990-993, 2021. (共一)

8. F. Yang, W. Xu, W. Lyu, F. Tan, C. Yu, B. Dong, “High Fidelity MZI-BCG Sensor With Homodyne Demodulation for Unobtrusive HR and BP Monitoring”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 22, no. 8, 2022. (共一)

9. N. Zhang, W. Xu, S. You, C. C. Yu, C. Yu, B. Dong, K. Li, “Simultaneous measurement of refractive index, strain and temperature using a tapered structure based on SMF,” Optical Communications, vol. 410, pp. 70-74, 2018.

10. E. Chen, B. Dong, Y. Li, Z. Li, X. Wang, Y. Zhao, W. Xu, W. Zhao, Y. Wang, “All-optical tunable fiber filter based on a few-mode optical fiber mode interferometer coated with graphene epoxy resin composite material,” Optics Communications, vol. 497, p. 127140, 2021.

11. E Chen, B Dong, Y Li, X Wang, Y Zhao, W Xu, W Zhao, Y Wang, “Cascaded few-mode fiber down-taper modal interferometers and their application in curvature sensing,” Optical Communications, vol. 475, p. 126274, 2020.

12. J. Li, X. Huang, W. Xu, D. Xiao, Z. Zhong, “A fiber-optic pH sensor based on relative Fresnel reflection technique and biocompatible coating,” Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 20, Issue 1, Pages 28-31, 2014.

13. J. Zhu, X. Huang, W. Xu, and L. Chen, “Plasmonic optical switches based on Mach-Zender interferometer,” Phys. Plasmas, vol. 18, pp. 072112, 2011.

14. X. Chen, W. Xu, B. Dong, C. Yu, W. Zhao, Y. Wang, W. Sun, “Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring Based on Wearable Optical Fiber Interferometry Wristband,” OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2021, Paper JS3F.12, pp. 1-3, Hong Kong, Jul. 3-7, 2021.

15. H. Zeng, W. Xu, B. Dong, C. Yu, W. Zhao, Y. Wang, W. Sun, “Beat-to-Beat Heart Rate Estimation from MZI-BCG Signal Based on Hierarchical Clustering,” OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2021, Paper JS3F.13, pp. 1-3, Hong Kong, Jul. 3-7, 2021.

16. H. Zeng, W. Xu, B. Dong, C. Yu, W. Zhao, Y. Wang, W. Sun, “Non-invasive Highly Sensitive Under Mattress Vital Signs Monitoring Based on Fiber Sagnac Loop,” OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2021, Paper JS3F.14, pp. 1-3, Hong Kong, Jul. 3-7, 2021.

17. Y. Feng, W. Xu, C. Yu, J. Li, Y. He, W. Sun, “Differential Fresnel Reflection Based Fiber-optic Relative Humidity Sensor,” International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2021, P4.3, pp. 1-3, Qufu, China, Aug. 23-27, 2021.

18. G. Zhu, W. Xu, C. Yu, W. Sun, B. Dong, C. Yu, W. Zhao, Y. Wang, “DNN-assisted Activity Classification Using Fiber Interferometer Sensor,” Photonics Asia 2021, Nantong, China, Paper 11894-30, Oct. 10-12, 2021.

19. J. Jiang, W. Xu, C. Yu, W. Sun, B. Dong, C. Yu, W. Zhao, Y. Wang, “SAHS detection using contact-free MZI-BCG sensor,” Photonics Asia 2021, Nantong, China, Paper 11894-35, Oct. 10-12, 2021.

20. S. Han, W. Xu, S. You, B. Dong, F. Tan, C. Yu, W. Zhao, Y. Wang, “Investigation on Smart Cushion Based on SFS Structure and its Application in Physiological and Activity Monitoring”, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, Paper VP102, Oct. 4-8, 2020.

21. S. Han, W. Xu, S. You, B. Dong, C. Yu, W. Zhao, Y. Wang, “Highly Sensitive Smart Cushion Embedded with SMS Structure for Contactless Vital Signs and Activity Monitoring”, Photonics Asia 2020, Beijing, China, Paper 11547-5, Oct. 11-16, 2020.

22. J Wang, W Xu, B Dong, C Yu, S Han, “Fiber-optic MZI activity monitoring based on RLS algorithm”, International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2019, Huangshan, China, Aug 5-8, 2019.

23. J. Qu, Y. Shen, W. Xu, F. Tan, C. Yu, C. Yu, “Non-invasive vital signs monitoring based on polarization maintaining fiber and sagnac interferometer,” OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2019, Fukuoka, Japan, July 7-11, 2019.

24. Y. Liu, W. Xu, C. Yu, “BCG signal processing based on advanced LMS filter for optical fiber monitor,” Photonics Asia 2020, Beijing, China, Paper 11547-60, Oct. 11-16, 2020.

25. S. Han, W. Xu, S. You, B. Dong, C. Yu and W. Zhao, “Principle Component Analysis and Random Forest Based All-Fiber Activity Monitoring,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) 2019, Chengdu, China, S4G.4, Nov. 2-5, 2019.

26. C. Yu, W. Xu, Y. Shen, S. Bian, C. Yu and S. You, “Non-invasive vital signs monitoring system based on smart sensor mat embedded with optical fiber interferometer,” 27th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC) 2018, Hualien, Taiwan, pp. 1-3, 2018. (Invited)

27. C. Yu, W. Xu, N. Zhang, and C.C. Yu, “Non-invasive smart health monitoring system based on optical fiber interferometers,” 16th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2017, pp. 1-3, Wuzhen, China, August 7-10, 2017. (Invited)

28. Y. Shen, W. Xu, N. Zhang, S. You, C. Yu, C. Yu, “Fiber optic non-wearable respiratory monitoring based on in-line modal interferometer,” 13th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR) 2018, Paper W2L.5. Hong Kong, China, 29 July-3 August, 2018.

29. Q. Zeng, W. Xu, Y. Shen, C. Yu, F. Tan, “Investigation on fiber-optic curvature sensor based on SMF-FMF-SMF structure with up-taper fusion,” 17th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2018, Zhuhai, China, 16-19 November, 2018.

30. Q. Zeng, W. Xu, C. Yu, N. Zhang, and C. Yu, “Fiber-optic Activity Monitoring with Machine Learning,” 13th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR) 2018, paper W4K.5., Hong Kong, China, 29 July-3 August, 2018.

31. K. Wang, W. Xu, N. Zhang, K. Li, C.C. Yu, and C. Yu, “Fiber-optic in-line Mach-Zehnder modal interferometer for breathing monitoring application,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR) 2017, Paper 2-1S-4, pp. 1-3, Singapore, July 31-August 4, 2017.

32. K. Li, W. Xu, N. Zhang, K. Wang, C.C. Yu, and C. Yu, “Non-wearable respiration monitoring based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR) 2017, Paper 2-2S-4, pp. 1-3, Singapore, July 31-August 4, 2017.

33. N. Zhang, W. Xu, C.C. Yu, C. Yu, and S. You, “Er-doped fiber based Mach-Zehnder interferometer for simultaneous strain and temperature measurement,” Photonics Asia 2016, Paper 10019-53, pp. 1-6, Beijing, China, October 12-14, 2016.

34. N. Zhang, W. Xu, C. Yu, and S. You, “Investigation on a novel fiber-optic sensor based on up-taper-core-offset-up-taper structure,” Photonics Asia 2016, Paper 10019-52, pp. 1-6, Beijing, China, October 12-14, 2016.

35. N. Zhang, W. Xu, C. Yu, and S. You, “Intensity-modulated fiber-optic refractive index and strain sensor based on miniaturized modal interferometer,” 15th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2016, Paper T4-O-22, pp. 1-3, Hangzhou, China, September 24-27, 2016.

Ø 授权专利、软件著作权:

1、 李靖韩淑莹徐伟余长泉,基于正交补偿调制的光纤干涉型传感器静态工作点优化方法发明授权,专利号:CN202010706544.5

2、 胡琪凯,徐伟,符小东,何品翰,吴媛媛,一种WDM-PON系统中的基于超窄带谱切分非相干光源和自适应阈值调控的通信装置,发明授权,专利号:CN201610307684.9

3、 胡琪凯,徐伟,符小东,一种用于WDM -PON中的基于FFP滤波器和FFP-SOA的超窄带谱切分非相干光源的传输装置,发明授权,专利号:CN201610308392.7

4、 余长泉,徐伟,张娜,一种温度不敏感的睡眠质量和生命体征监测装置及方法,发明授权,专利号:CN201610223403.1

5、 李焱徐伟徐卓然,余长源,一种基于光通信系统信道估计的激光器线宽检测方法,发明授权,专利号:CN201910136243.0

6、 余长源余毅徐伟,光信噪比监测方法及装置,发明授权,专利号:CN201910136266.1

7、 由骁迪,余长泉,徐伟,陈健,张娜,一种红外补偿全范围调光的可见光OFDM通信装置,发明授权, 专利号:201610320643.3

Ø 其它获奖、荣誉:


Ø 联系邮箱:

Email: xuweiopt@cslg.edu.cn