

研究方向 图像信息处理、关联成像 学位职称 博士/讲师

Ø 个人基本信息


主要研究方向是图像信息处理、关联成像等,近年来在Optics and Lasers in EngineeringOptics & Laser TechnologyIEEE Photonics JournalApplied Physics B等国际杂志上发表SCI收录学术论文30余篇,其中第一作者6篇,通讯作者3篇。授权发明专利2项,实用新型专利1项。

Ø 研究方向:


Ø 教科研项目:


Ø 教科研论文:

1. Ye H L, Guo D D. Research on mechanism of joint-coding imaging based on generative adversarial neural network. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2023, (171):107790.

2.  Ye H L, Zhang L H, Zhang D W. Non-imaging target recognition algorithm based on projection matrix and image euclidean distance by computational ghost imaging. Optics & Laser Technology, 2021, (137):106779.

3.  Ye H L, Kang Y, Wang J, Zhang L H, Sun H J, Zhang D W. A ghost imaging method based on multi-frequency fusion. European Physical Journal D, 2022,76(3):48.

4.  Ye H L, Zhang L H, Wang K M, Zhang D W. Study on the key technology of ghost imaging based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing. Journal of Optical Technology, 2021, 88(8):420-428.

5.  Ye H L, Zhang L H, Chen J, et al. Information transmission based on a fourier transform and ascending coding temporal ghost imaging algorithm. Laser Physics, 2020, 30(12):125202.

6.  Ye H L, Kang Y, Wang J, Zhang L H, Sun H J, Zhang D W. High resolution reconstruction method of ghost imaging via SURF-NSML. Journal of the Korean Physical Society,2022, 80:964-971.

7.  Sun H J, Ye H L*, Zhang L H. Research on the information transmission based on linear block code and temporal ghost imaging algorithm. Laser Physics, 2019, 29(11):115203.

8.  Zhang L H, Ye H L*, Zhang D W. Study on the Key Technology of Image Transmission Mechanism Based on Channel Coding Ghost Imaging. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2018, 10(4):6500913.

9.  Zhang L H, Ye H L*, Zhang D W, et al. Study on image transmission mechanism of ghost imaging based on joint source and channel coding. Applied Physics B, 2019, 125(57).

Ø 授权发明专利:

1. 张雷洪,叶华龙,康祎,袁晓,熊锐等。一种基于四进制编码方式和时间关联成像的通信方法,授权公告号:CN 109347566 B.

2. 张雷洪,徐润初,叶华龙,张大伟,王凯民等。基于多信号叠加和伪逆法的激光拉曼气体浓度检测方法,授权公告号:CN 110658179 B.

Ø 授权实用新型专利:

1. 肖建如,蔡小攀,张雷洪,叶华龙,张志晟等。基于阵列光纤束照明成像的生物组织检测系统,授权公告号:CN 212089495 U.

Ø 其它获奖、荣誉:

1. 2023年学院第八届“教坛新秀”汇课比赛“三等奖”

2. 2022年上海市普通高等学校优秀毕业生

3. 2022届上海理工大学优秀毕业研究生

4. 2021上海理工大学科创先锋奖学金

5. 2020华为杯第十七届中国研究生数学建模竞赛三等奖

6. 2019上海理工大学研究生党员标兵

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