

研究方向 基于光子晶体的器件设计、硅基光子学等 学位职称 博士/讲师

Ø 个人基本信息

姜宇驰,通信与信息系统专业博士,研究领域为电磁场数值计算,以第一作者Optics and Laser Technology, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and ApplicationsOptics Communication,等英文期刊发表论文8,其中SCI收录6篇,EI收录2篇,在电子显微学报,常熟理工学报等国内期刊发表论文5篇,教学方面担任《电磁场与电磁波》,《光纤通信》等课程的理论教学和实验指导工作。

Ø 研究方向:


Ø 教科研项目:

1. 镀金属膜探针光增强数值模拟研究,主持学院青年教师科研启动基金

2. 三维分形微波等离子体光子晶体算法及其电磁特性研究(项目批准号:61307052),参与, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目;

Ø 教科研论文:

1. Yu-Chi Jiang,Feng-zhi Li, Study on thermo-optic Mech-Zehnder switches with buried heater by image charge method, Optics and Laser Technology,2022,152:108088.

2. Jiang Y C, Liu S B. Realization of all-optical Three-Person voting function based on self-collimation with the two-dimensional photonic crystals. Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2016, 18:10-15.

3. Yu-Chi Jiang, Shao-Bin Liu, Hai-Feng Zhang, Xiang-Kun KongDesign of ultra-compact all optical half subtracter based on self-collimation in the two-dimensional photonic crystals, Optics Communications2015, 356: 325329.

4. Yu-Chi Jiang, Shao-Bin Liu, Hai-Feng Zhang, Xiang-Kun KongRealization of all optical half-adder based on self-collimated beams by two-dimensional photonic crystals, Optics Communications2015, 348: 9094.

5. Yuchi Jiang, Shaobin Liu, Xiangkun Kong, Haifeng ZhangSensibility of influential factors to transmittance in two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguide composed of Kerr nonlinear medium, Optik2015, 126: 328330.

6. Yu-Chi Jiang, Shao-Bin Liu, Hai-Feng Zhang, Xiang-Kun KongReconfigurable design of logic gates based on a two-dimensional photonic crystals waveguide structure, Optics Communications2014, 332: 359365.

7. Yuchi Jiang, Shaobin Liu, Haifeng Zhang, Xiangkun KongRealization of XOR and OR Logic Gate with One Configuration in the Two-dimensional Photonic Crystals, PIERS Draft Proceedings, Guangzhou, China, August 25-28, 2014, 957959.

8. Yuchi Jiang, Shaobin Liu, Haifeng Zhang, Xiangkun Kong, A polarization beam splitter based on self-collimation with two-dimensional photonic crystals, IWEM 2016, nanjing, China

9. 姜宇驰. "电磁场理论教学改革的探索." 学院学报 30.6(2016):3.

10. 姜宇驰. "比例边界有限元法分析静电场问题." 学院学报 26.2(2012):8.

11. 姜宇驰. "全镀银膜四面锥尖光增强的数值求解." 学院学报 25.2(2011):3.

12. 姜宇驰,吴世法. "对顶四面锥尖间光增强的数值模拟." 学院学报21.10(2007).

13. 姜宇驰,李亚琴,王晓秋. "利用镀银膜的四面锥尖实现纳米尺度聚焦光斑的数值模拟." 电子显微学报 25.4(2006):4.

Ø 其它获奖、荣誉:


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