

研究方向 三阶非线性光学材料设计与性能调控、超快动力学和超快光谱技术、非线性光学测量技术 学位职称 博士/副教授

Ø 个人基本信息

李中国,博士,副教授。2015年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学物理系,获理学博士学位。2017-2018年国家公派赴美国凯斯西储大学学术访问。2022年入选江苏省高校青蓝工程优秀青年骨干教师。20158~至今在英国上市公司官网365光电系从事教学科研工作。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项,完成国家自然科学基金青年项目一项。任Applied Physics LettersOptics Express等学术刊物的审稿人。迄今为止,以第一作者(共同一作)或通讯作者在Journal of the American Chemical SocietyAdvanced Energy Materials, Journal of Physical Chemistry LettersApplied Physics LettersOptics Express等期刊发表论文24篇,引用数741H-index17,详见ORCID网站(https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0573-4391)

Ø 研究方向:

1. 三阶非线性光学材料设计与性能调控;

2. 超快动力学和超快光谱技术;

3. 非线性光学测量技术;

Ø 教科研项目:

1. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,12374300,层状双曲超构材料的宽频ENZ特性及光学非线性增强机理研究,在研,主持;

2. 国家自然科学基金,青年项目,11704048,非化学计量比氧化亚锡薄膜及异质结的超快载流子动力学机理研究,结题,主持;

Ø 教科研论文:

(1) Liu K, Li Z*, Li J, et al. "Modulation of the nonlinear optical response and transient dynamics of CdO/Ag/CdO sandwich-type films." Optics & Laser Technology 168 (2024): 109858.

(2) Ma W, Li Z*, Cao H, et al. "Modulating the nonlinear absorption response of SnOx thin films via phase engineering." Optics Express 31 (2023): 6252-6261.

(3) Sun Y, Li Z *, Fang Y, et al. "Three-photon absorption and Kerr nonlinearity in pristine and doped β-Ga2O3 single crystals." Applied Physics Letters 120 (2022): 032101.

(4) Li Z, Wu H, Cao H, et al. "Improved Ultrafast Carrier Relaxation and Charge Transfer Dynamics in CuI Films and Their Heterojunctions via Sn Doping." The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (2022): 9072-9078.

(5) Li Z, Wu Z, Wang X, et al. "Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics of Amorphous Zinc Tin Oxide Graded Thin Films." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (2021): 9350-9355.

(6) Alfurayj I A, Li Z, Burda C. "Interfaces and Interfacial Carrier Dynamics in Perovskites." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (2021): 15113-15124.

(7) Li Z, Kolodziej C, McCleese C, et al. "Effect of chloride substitution on interfacial charge transfer processes in MAPbI3 perovskite thin film solar cells: Planar versus mesoporous." Nanoscale Advances 1 (2019): 827-833.

(8) Yu J, Li Z, Kolodziej C, et al. "Visualizing the impact of chloride addition on the microscopic carrier dynamics of MAPbI3 thin films using femtosecond transient absorption microscopy." The Journal of Chemical Physics 151 (2019): 234710.

(9) Yu J, Li Z, Liao Y, et al. "Probing the Spatial Heterogeneity of Carrier Relaxation Dynamics in CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Thin Films with Femtosecond Time-Resolved Nonlinear Optical Microscopy." Advanced Optical Materials 7 (2019): 1901185.

(10) Li Z, Chen Y, Burda C. "Photoexcited dynamics in metal halide perovskites: From relaxation mechanisms to applications." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019): 3255-3269.

(11) Li Z, Kolodziej C, Zhang T, et al. "Optoelectronic Dichotomy of Mixed Halide CH3NH3Pb (Br1-xClx)3 Single Crystals: Surface versus Bulk Photoluminescence." Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (2018): 11811-11819.

(12) Li W, Jiang K, Li Z, et al. "Origin of improved photoelectrochemical water splitting in mixed perovskite oxides." Advanced Energy Materials 8 (2018): 1801972.

(13) Li Z, Cao H, Song A, et al. "Ultrafast carrier dynamics in type-II ZnO-SnO heterostructure thin films." Applied Physics Letters 110 (2017): 172102.

Ø 其它获奖、荣誉:



20229月 常熟市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖;

20189月 苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖;

20176月 江苏省高校第十届基础物理教师上好一堂课竞赛三等奖;

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