

研究方向 新能源材料的研究与开发、燃料电池、纳米复合材料制备和表征 学位职称 博士/高级实验师

Ø 个人基本信息


Ø 研究方向:


Ø 教科研项目:

[1] 高性能复合氧化物粉体的制备与应用研究,横向项目,2020.

[2] 高纯度纳米氧化物粉体的制备与应用研究,横向项目,2022.

[3] 燃料电池与燃料电池汽车,江苏省高等学校重点教材立项项目,2019.

Ø 教科研论文:

[1] Zhicheng Wang, Xing Chen, Dajun Wua, Tao Zhang, Guikai Zhang, Shengqi Chu, Bin Qian, Shi Tao, Strong metal oxide-support interaction in MoO2/N-doped MCNTs heterostructure for boosting lithium storage performance, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 650 (2023) 247-256.

[2] Zhicheng Wang, Yang Wang, Delong Qina, Yiheng Gua, Hailin Yua, Shi Taoa, Bin Qiana, Yimin Chao, Improving electrochemical performance of (Cu, Sm)CeO2 anode with anchored Cu nanoparticles for direct utilization of natural gas in solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 42 (2022) 3254-3263.

[3] Wanwan Yang, Jingyuan Zhang, Da Huo, Shuo Sun, Shi Tao, Zhicheng Wang(通讯作者), Jian Wang, Dajun Wu, Bin Qian, Facile synthesis of tin phosphide/reduced graphene oxide composites as anode material for potassium-ion batteries, Ionics 25(2019) 4795-4798.

[4] 王志成,陶石,巢毅敏,刘贯东,钱斌,应用型本科高校双语课程考核方式的改革实践与反思——新型储能材料及其制备技术为例,教育,7(2019) 182-183.

[5] Zhicheng Wang, Siqi Wang, Shiyan Jiao, Wenjian Weng, Kui Cheng, Bin Qian, Hailin Yu, Yimin Chao, A hierarchical pore microstructure for improving long-term stability of Ni1-xCux/SDC anode-supported IT-SOFCs fueled with dry methane, Journal of Alloys and compounds 702(2017) 186-192.

[6] 王志成,张磊,钱斌,杨刚,巢毅敏,应用型本科院校双语教学的实践与思考——以新能源科学与工程专业为例,长春教育学院学报,32(2016) 19-21.

[7] Zhicheng Wang, Wenjian Weng, Kui Chen, Ge Shen, Piyi Du, Gaorong Han, Catalytic modification of Ni-Sm-doped ceria anodes with copper for direct utilization of dry methane in low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, J. Power Sources 179 (2008) 541-546.

[8] Zhicheng Wang, Wenjian Weng, Kui Chen, Ge Shen, Piyi Du, Gaorong Han, Preparation and performance of nanostructured porous thin cathode for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells by spin coating method, J. Power Sources, 175 (2008) 430-435.

[9] Zhicheng Wang, Wenjian Weng, Dengfeng Ji, Ge Shen, Piyi Du, Gaorong Han, Synthesis and properties of SDC powders and ceramics for low temperature SOFC by stearic acid process, J. Electroceram 21(2008) 698-701.

Ø 教科研成果:


Ø 专著、教材:

[1]王志成,顾毅恒,张惠国编著,图说燃料电池汽车. 北京:化学工业出版社2023.

[2]王志成,顾毅恒,刘冠鹏主编,固体氧化物燃料电池材料、系统与应用. 北京:科学出版社,2023.

[3]王志成,钱斌,刘冠鹏,张惠国主编,Fuel Cells and Fuel Cell Vehicles(全英文). 苏州:苏州大学出版社,2022.

[4]钱斌,王志成主编燃料电池与燃料电池汽车(第二版). 北京:科学出版社,2021.

[5]王志成,钱斌,张惠国,韩志达,张磊,施涛燃料电池与燃料电池汽车. 北京:科学出版社,2016.

Ø 授权专利、软件著作权:

王志成,孙建国,李逍遥,袁瑜含,钱斌,张惠国,冯金福,一种抗积碳固体氧化物燃料电池阳极及其制备方法(ZL 2016 1 1122496.5),发明专利

Ø 其它获奖、荣誉:

[1] 优秀共产党员,2021

[2] 优秀班主任,2017

Ø 联系邮箱:

wangzc @cslg.edu.cn